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What's inside?

⚡ Overclocked Ryzen 9 7900X⚡
✅ DDR5 Memory
✅ NVMe Storage
✅ MySQL Database
✅ Path.Net DDoS Protection & Anycast
✅ No Player Slot Limits!

(Reminder: You can have as many players as you want in your server! These are simply recommendations)
2 CPU Cores + 4GB: ~2-4 Players
3 CPU Cores + 6GB: ~6-10 Players
4 CPU Cores + 8GB: 10+ Players (Modded)

Valheim's primary resource that you should watch out for is the CPU usage, since the world is only about ~1GB large the RAM usage is particularly low. However the game is decently demanding on the processor. We only offer the best Ryzen 9 CPUs you can get your hands on so your server will run seamlessly!

Works great with the new Ashlands Update!

Configurable Options
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